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new reason girls are better than boys just dropped: only girl weed gets you high, boy weed just smells and also makes your girl weed bad

Hope y’all know Jesus loves you.

first person to send me a school block bypass website I will say that persons name 1000 times

I just got excluded from school

Basically I was in school and I, being a dumbass, did something really stupid. So I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the Diddy protest, a protest that on the 19th of September, 11AM at any timezone, people walk out of school in support for Diddy, a rapper who was DEFINITELY unfairly arrested this week for sex related incidents!

So, as I’m a huge fan of Diddy, knowing his 100% innocence, I did what’s right and walked out of school, with all the lads cheering me on and supporting me when I did this brave act. I was a hero.

I managed to walk home, with in the middle of my walk I bumped into a 60 year old wearing a T-shirt with a confederate flag, who said “Argh (it was also “speak like a pirate day” today) you did the Diddy protest? Here’s some candy, kid!” which made my day. Anyway, I was home and thought I was all safe.

However, it all went to pieces - the school called my parents and told what had happened. Unfortunately, as my parents are dumbasses, they agreed with the school I was in the wrong and went ballistic at me. Then they calmed down and told me calmly I had been excluded.

First I was livid, but then I realised what an idiot I had been. Everyone loves Diddy just as much as the next guy, but walking out of school for him when he doesn’t know me like that was so stupid of me, and I paid the price. Hey, at least I’m going to a Diddy party tonight!

My future is ruined.

also can you guys fucking stop dogpiling her for no reason. she’s genuinely so nice y’all just fucking annoy her so she retaliates and then you make her look like the instigator and bad guy

this doesn’t happen to her on other social medias, only here. get your collective shit together.

ppl think im a lily alt be fr 😭 like ask any og wasteof user we are very much different people (despite being similar)

Sep 18, 2024, 6:05 PM
15 2 18

i feel like the only person that should be allowed on the site is @allyz because she's the only nice one i can think of off the top of my head (my brain doesn’t work though)

what the fuck lily is banned?

actually might delete my account this website has gone to shit

important announcement:

if you own @momothecat, @wasteof-geographic, or @evil-kiwi then please tell me

if you don’t, repost this post

edit: @cheesewhisk3rs is @evil-kiwi

Sep 13, 2024, 1:08 PM
9 8 14

i’ve just noticed that no one swears on wasteof, like it’s an unspoken rule

i’m starting to think this website doesn’t have neurodivergent people on it very much. like what the fuck are half of these interpretations of my posts. i feel like dril or some shit

Scratch pgers when they see wasteof:

gee thanks, I only put in hours of work for free to make it for the community

@micahlt’s client sucks so I just go to the wall on my profile and now I'm on the website IN the app

itchy is pretty cool though I only go on scratch every month now

3 days ago
27 1 14

I’m considering leaving this website for a while, I don’t really have much of a reason to stay here (don’t really connect with the average user) and it seems to be getting pretty toxic lately

if you want to continue to follow me, I’ll be fairly active on tumblr (blog name voidcreatureinthevoid) and if I post art you can find it on pixilart (@/7vector) or tumblr

also considering making some sort of fedi account so I’ll post that if/when I do

also this means that I might be discontinuing @mefemphetamine for however long I’m gone (which could be forever, but probably not)

if you want to convince me to stay or say anything to me before I go I’ll be checking the site for a few more days

Sep 23, 2024, 4:49 PM
13 1 24

world eras i am living through

  • post 9/11 - pre covid

  • post covid - pre AI

  • we are now living in the post AI


This is the start of my protest! I will be boycotting until she is unbanned! (I frankly think the term “Boycotting” is sexist as it implies that girls cannot do the same.)

Lily has done nothing except express her opinion, and the banning of her extorts our right to free speech! We will not stop until justice is recieved and Lily is returned to the platform immedieately!


reminder that i literally did not do anything and this guy is getting mad at nothing

nahhh dude @lily has GOT to be a ragebait acc, no one can seriously think like that. Otherwise we're screwed as a species (or at least her as an individual but no one really cares for that)

today i’m learning didn’t do science and don’t know there are girl plants and boy plants

new reason girls are better than boys just dropped: only girl weed gets you high, boy weed just smells and also makes your girl weed bad