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Auriali - 21

Kiwi - 10

Toaks - 2

Blaze - 2

Eris - 6

Late - 1

Jeffalo - 1

Skylar - 1

Gambercube6 - 1

Allyz - 3

$upercash - 1

Mybearworld - 1

29204958174050385058385058278r - 1

Elaruu - 2

If you want to be added, just vote for yourself!

People who have voted: Esben, Wynd, Dertermenter, Kiwi, Toaks, cheesewhisk3rs, Perrin, Donotforgetmycode, Slider_on_the_black, Jamied132, luckythecat, prehistoric-pancake, Blaze, Gryffin, JoshAtticus (rip atticus, the best cat fr), wlodekm2, tnix, radi8, late, busybird15, RedStrider, siliconecb_, geo, elsie, ethernet, 94, paradocktheman, buttah, aurali, zlf, k10398, mybearworld, birdfour, gamecuber6, supercash, touchcreator, catblock, ally, flex, wolf, strawberrypuding, arrow, zagle1772, supernoodles99, impossible usernames, mef, zid, salad, pkmnq, oren, yippymishy, yay

3 days ago
36 11 177

crowdstrike sounds like the name of a domestic terrorist organization

guys i was under the impression that i am the president of wasteof

23 1 15


Episode 1: Introductions!

In this episode, @skylar, @radi8, @siliconecb_ and @flex discuss wasteof.money’s past, and what is yet to come!

Tune in: https://linktr.ee/wasteof.live

Pretty funny how we rely on things that most people don’t even know exist. I had no clue what cloudstrike was (it sounds like the name of a mobile FPS) but the second it’s gone. Boom! The whole world comes to a halt.

wasteof when I’m here: 😴

wasteof when I leave for a week: 🔥🇺🇸🗳️

15 0 10

I would like to thank everyone so far who has shown their support for my campaign. In less than 24 hours, we have mobilised a grassroots campaign that has shown the very best of wasteof. As the @election gets underway, I will work diligently to earn all of yours votes. I will not be using my alts to vote for myself, I will win this race by the sheer force of support you have shown me. The @da-ta Scratch account turns 9 years old on the 30th July, the day the election ends. It would be amazing to win this race on that day, and I hope I can convince you all to help me achieve this goal. I will continue to post once a day to this account as I always have, but for more frequent campaign news, then please follow the new official @auri24 account! It’s time to get serious, no funny business, only silly business. Vote for insanity, vote Auri! ❤️

3 days ago
14 1 4

2024 Election News - July 24, 2024 =^..^=

With more than 35 votes so far, this election is getting real!

So far…

@auriali is in the lead, with fifteen votes. She has more than twice as many votes as @kiwi , the next candidate with seven votes. @election’s post (below) is sparking a lot of controversy among wasteofers, and @auriali, @toaks, and @blaze have been putting a lot of effort into their campaigns.


Make sure to look at @jamied132 ’s post which has much more extensive research and more Interviews.

So far, here are my own (brief) interviews:

Interview with @auriali:

Me: how confident are you that you will win the election?

Auriali: I have confidence in the people of wasteof that they’ll choose the right candidate, and I hope that is me. I am doing well at the moment it seems, however, I do not want to come off as cocky because I don’t like that mentality. I am silly billy who hopes I’ll become the president-elect through spitting straight facts to the wonderful people of wasteof.

Interview with @eris:

Me: How confident are you that you will win the election?

Eris: At first no, I’m not that popular here. But now I’m thinking I do have a chance to win, we’ll see.

Interview with @toaks:

Me: how confident are you that you will win the election?

Toaks: I don’t want to win the election, I want to be treasurer. - =^..^=

thank you for reading! please follow @2024electionnews and @luckythecat




Auriali - 21

Kiwi - 10

Toaks - 2

Blaze - 2

Eris - 6

Late - 1

Jeffalo - 1

Skylar - 1

Gambercube6 - 1

Allyz - 3

$upercash - 1

Mybearworld - 1

29204958174050385058385058278r - 1

Elaruu - 2

If you want to be added, just vote for yourself!

People who have voted: Esben, Wynd, Dertermenter, Kiwi, Toaks, cheesewhisk3rs, Perrin, Donotforgetmycode, Slider_on_the_black, Jamied132, luckythecat, prehistoric-pancake, Blaze, Gryffin, JoshAtticus (rip atticus, the best cat fr), wlodekm2, tnix, radi8, late, busybird15, RedStrider, siliconecb_, geo, elsie, ethernet, 94, paradocktheman, buttah, aurali, zlf, k10398, mybearworld, birdfour, gamecuber6, supercash, touchcreator, catblock, ally, flex, wolf, strawberrypuding, arrow, zagle1772, supernoodles99, impossible usernames, mef, zid, salad, pkmnq, oren, yippymishy, yay

3 days ago
36 11 177
2 days ago
14 2 0


i’ve had enough, time to get serious 🤵


not to get political, but…


i don’t normally get political but i will be voting for @auriali and i strongly advise for my followers to as well, even if you don’t live in the us

so apparently Biden just dropped out

if clippy was still around he would've totally stopped that crowdstrike nonsense from happening in the first place

i run for president i think

vote me because i am a very good player at parappa the rapper 2


or dont vote me idrc

2 days ago
13 0 0

Hello fellow wasteof users, I have 2 massive campaign announcements to make today. Please read:

  1. I have picked my running mate for this election, that being the wonderful @Perrin. I believe he will be a strong VP for my administration if I am elected. I will appoint other members of my government after the election if I do become elected.

  2. I have released my manifesto, it is a 25 point list of things I plan to do if I become President, I have other ideas that I plan to do, and I am happy to continue to work on my policies all the way up to the election.

Follow @Auri24 for more news from the campaign and remember, vote for insanity, vote for Auri!

13 2 11

it’s time to get serious chat

I have just realized how horrifyingly over reliant I am on recommendation algorithms.

a very large amount of the stuff I see online is spoon fed to me (youtube, tumblr, roblox, etc.) and my only input is whether I like it or dislike it.

its so bad that I actually get nervous whenever I go to genuinely search for something, which in turn has made me quite bad at it.

to put it into a metaphor, I have not been surfing the web, I have been sitting on a tram with tinted windows through the web.

so I’m deciding that I’m going to try and drastically limit the amount of algorithmic content I view, while staying on the internet. luckily for you all, wasteof proudly does not have a recommendation algorithm so I won’t be leaving, potentially I’ll even become more active on here.

I have no idea how long I’ll impose this on myself, but I might keep yall updated.

2 days ago
12 1 1