

replit’s new hosting is straight up bs

my pet bird just died.

fly high, twitch <3

thanks to the mfs who “suspended” my infinityfree domain (clicker.wxyz.rf.gd) for mf “phishing”

please elaborate.

what the fuck is this shit

dummy $time $time_min $time_hour [* objectives *]
bossbar !progress^100

repeat (
	:time.ticks = /time query daytime [* stores into minecraft:time *]
	as @a (
		$time = :time.ticks * 0.06 [* ticks to Minecraft minutes *]
		$time_min = $time % 60
		$time_hour = ($time / 60) + 6 % 24
		if @s.Inventory[{Slot: -106b, id: "minecraft:clock"}] ( [* Only show digits when a clock is put offhand *]
			/title @s actionbar c"$($time_hour):$($time_min)"
			if $time_min < 10 /title @s actionbar c"$($time_hour):0$($time_min)"

function test (
	say "This is a function."
	say "The value is $(value)." [* Macro lines don't need to be prefixed with $ *]
	@s!progress = $(value)

function setMaximum (
	@s!progress^ = $(value)

what an awesome new year’s resolution

1.2.24 || Playing EVERY Mario Kart Track From EVERY GAME With My Brother In ONE DAY (Challenge)

who else just tells themself “ok i’m gonna work on this now” and never does

i do that every night

“ok i’m going to work on my python script (or something else)”

“heeheehaha funny youtube short”

if i’m being completely honest, I haven’t had much motivation on what to make until now!

I was eventually going to do something like this, but never expected myself to go with Java lmao.

Feel free to guess what I’m doing. (It’s pretty easy to guess)

I installed lolcode… and I might actually learn it for fun.

What other esoteric language should I learn that isn’t Brainfuck?

did I really just sudo rm -rf ./* in my home directory by mistake? yes. yes I did.

totally didn’t just make a terminal emulator that runs on my terminal startup because chromeos’s terminal was too bland and ugly

Dec 23, 2023, 4:56 PM
7 0 5

winter break les go

It’s crazy how RobTop dropped 2.2 without any announcement or something

Kind of like a surprise

Hi, I might be quitting wasteof.money for a while. Mainly to prioritize school and other things. I could also be semi-active where I only post once or twice a week.
