im a wasteof user yay

you’re a wasteof user yay

bothering you right now

bundle code

// - comment
write - write to console (no newline support)
writeln - write to console WITH a newline
rasterize - sets res value to the whole code apparently
ask [question] - prompts user with [question] and answer
random [number] - random number between 1 and [number]
var [varname] = [varvalue] - sets variable [varname] to [varvalue]
add [num1] [num2] - add [num1] [num2]
sub [num1] [num2] - subtract [num1] [num2]
mul [num1] [num2] - multiply [num1] [num2]
div [num1] [num2] - divide [num1] [num2]
year/month/hour/minute/second - yeah
date - get full date
loop - sets a loop with code in it (with an interval of 1 second)
${[varname]} - get variable [varname]

also to mention, brackets are not needed

regarding your bundle beta application

you need discord

u can make one rn


IM Spazestudios

welcome to the money website