
Waiting for an n64 classic

I have found 1000 bluetooth devices at my school using a bluetooth inspector app

Forgot to mention this yesterday but a new Nintendo family portrait https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/703478463/

I spent half an hour getting a ds lite stylus out from behind my bookshelf

I’m following 69 people

Sitting in a waiting room for a follow up appointment on my fractured wrist

Insert bad joke here

Yesterday someone asked me and my friend who is also gender fluid if we grow breasts when we use she/her pronouns

My last day of schools in 9 days

Best emoji is🖕

69 brain cells left

fun fact if your friends scratch account gets banned its not the end of the world

follow me for more high quality posts

hi I was bored so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

hi I was bored so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

so I collect video games and yesterday me and my dad went to a local video game store and about 2 months ago when I bought my dsi from there we had to go back because they left parental controls on (they fixed it later) anyways so I buy another gameboy to add to my collection my dad asks if a gameboy color realeased in 1998 has parental controls