
I post daily kool kat facts at 6:00 AM Mountain Standard Time.

Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be acquired in pairs whenever possible.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats have 3 eyelids.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A cat's field of vision is about 200 degrees.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Julius Ceasar, Henri II, Charles XI, and Napoleon were all afraid of cats.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats lose almost as much fluid in the saliva while grooming themselves as they do through urination.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats often overract to unexpected stimuli because of their extremely sensitive nervous system.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Unlike other cats, lions have a tuft of hair at the end of their tails.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats have about 130,000 hairs per square inch (20,155 hairs per square centimeter).

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A 2007 Gallup poll revealed that both men and women were equally likely to own a cat.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

The leopard is the most widespread of all big cats.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

There are approximately 60,000 hairs per square inch on the back of a cat and about 120,000 per square inch on its underside.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A queen (female cat) can begin mating when she is between 5 and 9 months old.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats come back to full alertness from the sleep state faster than any other creature.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A steady diet of dog food may cause blindness in your cat - it lacks taurine.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

The strongest climber among the big cats, a leopard can carry prey twice its weight up a tree.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^