
I post daily kool kat facts at 6:00 AM Mountain Standard Time.

When a domestic cat goes after mice, about 1 pounce in 3 results in a catch.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Approximately 40,000 people are bitten by cats in the U.S. annually.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A cat's appetite is the barometer of its health. Any cat that does not eat or drink for more than two days should be taken to a vet.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear (humans have only 6). A cat can independently rotate its ears 180 degrees.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A cat only has the ability to move their jaw up and down, not side to side like a human can.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Many cats cannot properly digest cow's milk. Milk and milk products give them diarrhea.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A cat will tremble or shiver when it is extreme pain.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats see six times better in the dark and at night than humans.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cats can judge within 3 inches the precise location of a sound being made 1 yard away.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A domestic cat can run at speeds of 30 mph.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Baking chocolate is the most dangerous chocolate to your cat.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be aquired in pairs whenever possible.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

A cats field of vision is about 185 degrees.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

The cat's tail is used to maintain balance.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^

Despite imagery of cats happily drinking milk from saucers, studies indicate that cats are actually lactose intolerant and should avoid it entirely.

As an extra, here's a cute lil cat ^-^