
why am i not in the mineral fish group section? the drama is over, you can put me back bro

  • pkmnq : mineral fish

  • mrowlsss : fruity fish

  • pineapple : igga what

  • pineapple : toxic fish

  • mrowlsss : gay fish

  • pkmnq : interesting results

  • pkmnq : i will report them back to @copperfish

these are some quality results

also if you post to someones wall and mention them in that message, they get 2 notifications at once

i have noticed that i have been removed from the mineral group on your about me thing.

i also belong to the mineral group.

why you ommit emerald fish why you ommit emerald fish

when was the last time he said that?

it hasn’t been in a while

this is mainly referring to brass



Who are you

Are you CST? Landon?

i’m -gge on scratch

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When copperfish is online

So, how’s the day?

hello copper fish

where’s landon and its BONUS attribute

i prefer ceilings

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