
Fun Facts (or News) about random topics

Fun Fact : My PC broke

Fun Fact : Cars have 4 wheels, but bikes have only 2.

Fun Fact : Android was originally developed as an operating system for digital cameras, not smartphones. The project was later re-purposed for use in mobile devices. That’s why cameras still have sh*tty operating systems…

Fun Fact : Apple's first product was not a computer or a phone, but rather a blue box that allowed people to make free long-distance phone calls.

Fun Fact : Apple was founded on April Fools' Day in 1976.

Fun Fact : The Waffle House has found it’s new host.

Fun Fact : The youngest YouTuber to reach 1 million subscribers is a 6-year-old Russian girl named Anastasia Radzinskaya, who creates content with her parents.

Fun Fact : The Slow Mo Guys, a YouTube channel that films things in slow motion, have collaborated with NASA to film a rocket launch at 28,000 frames per second.

Fun Fact : The world's first car race took place in France in 1894, and the winner's average speed was just 10 mph.

Fun Fact : The first car accident ever recorded happened in 1891 in Ohio, when a car hit a tree root and lost control, crashing into a hitching post. Down in Ohio

Fun Fact : On Valentine's Day in 2011, a zoo in Texas allowed people to name a cockroach after their ex and then fed it to a meerkat.

Fun Fact : In the Middle Ages, people believed that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex they saw on Valentine's Day would become their spouse. I hope they excluded siblings….

Fun Fact : In Finland and Estonia, Valentine's Day is known as "Friend's Day" and is a day to celebrate all types of friendships, not just romantic ones. I wonder what they do on friendship day…

Fun Fact : The heart shape that is commonly associated with Valentine's Day is actually based on the shape of a silphium plant seed, which was used as a form of birth control in ancient Rome.

Fun Fact : @jeffalo won’t give me a shoutout