

Hey guys! I’m Kaleb Bravo, a 15-year-old violinist and music producer.

Here I’ll be talking about some random stuff, so if you only want to see updates on my electronic music releases, follow me at @k10398.

Some more about me:

  • Colorado (yessirrrrrrr)

  • Favorite genres of music are 2000s alt rock and electronic. I enjoy other genres, too.

    • Modern pop is garbage (especially the super preppy “bubblegum” pop 🤮).

  • Amateur programmer- I know a good amount of JavaScript (from my AP comp sci class) but I am learning HTML, CSS, and C++.

  • Self-taught in stuff like graphic design, photography, violin (for the most part), music theory and composition, among others.

  • I’m in three musical groups at my high school: a concert orchestra, chamber orchestra, and quartet.

  • I plan to pursue a double-major in mechanical engineering and musical performance at CU Boulder.

Music Links:

  1. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/18grPuBr4Je9HkUdi917Dq

  2. Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/k10398


Sep 16, 2023, 6:25 PM
4 2 0


Get a sneak peak of my upcoming release “Long Exposure” on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/k10398-official/long-exposure

just waved at my crush in the most awkward way imaginable 😨

9 0 6

my favorite local pizzeria is closing forever 😭

8 0 0

Copying @zlf but here are my favorite artists right now

  • Coldplay

  • Mumford & Sons

  • Incubus

  • Eliminate

2 days ago
7 0 2

Nuh uh

The PS6 will be faster than the PS1.

3 days ago
2 0 2

Nooooooo stop spilling my secrets

The next three singles released by @kaleb will have a letter and/or number and/or symbol in their name.

Some kid on SoundCloud knows the titles of my next 3 singles and i don’t know how

This is freaking scary

Plz send help

3 days ago
7 1 4
3 days ago
11 1 0
3 days ago
5 0 0

Some kid on SoundCloud knows the titles of my next 3 singles and i don’t know how

This is freaking scary

Plz send help

3 days ago
7 1 4

i hate precalculus

edit: class is easy but teacher assigns too much homework with basically no time to complete it lol

Jan 13, 2025, 4:00 PM
3 0 10

Tried graphing 2x²-2x+1 by hand this morning and it looked like a fucking scatter plot

Plz send help, I think I’m tweaking 😭🙏

yay i’m well rested 🎉

orchestra rehearsal with only 6 hours of sleep was not fun

note to self: go to bed early

how is it that i’ve never heard a single radiohead album before and i call myself an alt rock fan

Exit Music (For A Film) is absolutely amazing, I need to dig into the whole album now 🤩

orchestra rehearsal with only 6 hours of sleep was not fun

note to self: go to bed early

so apparently southern california is on fire

To my fellow southern-cali wasteofers, hope y’all got/are getting evacuated safely

I used to be as well (i fell off tho)

I'm the kind of "trending daily" poster; big wasteof wouldn't understand

starting pre-calculus with 5 hours of sleep

this is gonna be a disaster