

Hey guys! I’m Kaleb Bravo, a 15-year-old violinist and music producer.

Here I’ll be talking about some random stuff, so if you only want to see updates on my electronic music releases, follow me at @k10398.

Some more about me:

  • Colorado (yessirrrrrrr)

  • Favorite genres of music are 2000s alt rock and electronic. I enjoy other genres, too.

    • Modern pop is garbage (especially the super preppy “bubblegum” pop 🤮).

  • Amateur programmer- I know a good amount of JavaScript (from my AP comp sci class) but I am learning HTML, CSS, and C++.

  • Self-taught in stuff like graphic design, photography, violin (for the most part), music theory and composition, among others.

  • I’m in three musical groups at my high school: a concert orchestra, chamber orchestra, and quartet.

  • I plan to pursue a double-major in mechanical engineering and musical performance at CU Boulder.

Music Links:

  1. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/18grPuBr4Je9HkUdi917Dq

  2. Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/k10398


Sep 16, 2023, 6:25 PM
4 2 0

Yay we're finally back to wasteof 😄🎉

Why Twitter still 😭

Why twitter?? 😭

I wonder why @b4us suddenly stopped

Day 57

8bit keeps taking land in Michigan. Oren ramps up attacks in southern Illinois. supercash makes gains in Ohio and South Carolina. radi8 and Oren push into the rest of Wisconsin

Happy Easter everyone! ✝️🥚

Enjoy this day with your families :)

Caught a stomach virus 😫

My orchestra director just handed us an orchestral arrangement of Viva la Vida by Coldplay and now I have the sudden urge to listen to Coldplay on repeat

The current state of wom is getting pretty upsetting. People are starting arguments and saying incredibly disrespectful things to others (I’m not going to name who did what). I just have a couple things to say:

  1. Have a sense of maturity. Don't start throwing verbal stones at those with opposing views, and know when/if it is okay to make jokes.

  2. Be respectful. If you know that a joke or post is going to be rude and hurtful towards anyone, then don't post it. Just simply don't. Things will be better in the long run.

Please take these things to heart. I cannot stress this enough. The wom community will be much better if you guys just take these things to heart.

- Kaleb B

(That's all y'all are getting out of me)

Continuing the saga of w posts


TW: immature people will not appreciate this post

There’s a lot of stuff I really want to say about controversies and stuff but I know I shouldn’t. I have been controversial in the past (IYKYK) and being on the outside now really reveals how stupid it is. I don’t want to start that again. So I’m gonna give some meta thoughts, and why I’m hopeful this will stop eventually.

Most of the recent controversies have been about jokes that someone made that were in bad taste, and then it turns into an argument about some bigger issue (Imagine somebody makes a joke about their friend being so stupid for using 24hr time. If it blew up, it would become an argument about which time method is better.). This is just immature. If you really don’t want to start controversy, don’t post a joke if it even has a chance of starting an argument. “But I should be able to make a joke 😩” Is it worth it at the expense of a controversy? Set your priorities right.

How this looks practically:

I’m going to use myself as an example. I used to be super controversial. I became more mature and look what happened. I haven’t been involved in any major controversy at all. I used to use wasteof on my Apple Watch. I stopped doing this because it made it easy for me to post something without thinking. Now I only use it on my computer, and I only use the computer between noon and 4pm. Maybe you should do the same thing. Put barriers between yourself and this site if you have a problem with not thinking about your words.

If you set limits on yourself, eventually you will get used to them and you can go back to how it was without the limits, because the limits make you more mature. I can’t use wasteof on my watch because of a bug with watchOS, but I think I am mature enough to handle it now.

TLDR: Do whatever it takes to get maturity and avoid controversy. This may require leaving wasteof, or changing how you use it. But no matter what it takes you should probably do it. Stop the immaturity and focus on what really matters.

The good thing is, maturity naturally grows with age. wasteof seems to be around it’s carrying capacity (the amount of new users has decreased massively from its late-2022 peak), so from this point on the average age of the site will only increase. The average maturity should do the same. So I think it will get better in the future.

I am not leaving wasteof anytime soon and I think its a really bad move to do so. Leaving because you think the community is bad is really prideful (“I deserve better”) and it usually makes the community even worse, starting a negative feedback loop.

Anyways, hope this is helpful. Maturity is really lacking on here and I think it’s the core problem that causes fights and arguments. That and a lack of humility.

Guys you must read this

i barely go on this website, but every time i do, i feel like people need to remember that:

the one most important thing for us to learn is to understand differing opinions and to learn in life. assuming that we are right and here to prove everyone else wrong prevents us from growing and gaining more insight into the world, and also makes people that seem self-centered and arrogant.

instead of surrounding ourselves with people we agree with, re-enforcing our opinions, we should try to hear from and understand other people who may have differing opinions. we don’t have to agree with them, but it’s important to be able to listen to them respectfully and then explain why we may disagree.

instead of tuning out people we disagree with, we should follow them, hear their opinions, and think about and understand why we disagree or maybe agree with them.

on twitter for example, you should follow both sides in something like politics. of course you will have an opinion, but you should understand and hear from the other side so you can be informed. it’s likely your opinion won’t change, but being able to hear things we disagree with is what helps us become more constructive and educated people, instead of rejecting other beliefs.

tldr: pause and listen, don’t assume you are here to prove yourself right, we are here to grow and learn from differing opinions

Mar 21, 2024, 6:12 PM
17 1 7

Headed back home from Indianapolis! The trip I took was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will never forget :)

This photo was taken at the Indianapolis Airport. 
I am standing to the left of the Indy sign, behind everyone.
*Face reveal alert*
Mar 24, 2024, 1:40 PM
11 1 0

This is an important message for younger generations (like mine). Please read through this, it is very profound guys

Let me add on to this further. When you—someone with a dissenting view—chooses to insult me, you are making your cause appear much worse. It not only ruins your credibility, but it also dismantles the very integrity of your beliefs. It communicates to me, “This person has no empirical basis for their beliefs. They rely solely on intuition and personal experiences to guide their decisions.” Rather than relaying empirical and unbiased evidence to give reason to your beliefs and actions, I see you making insults based solely on prejudice and other forms of simple-minded heuristics.

Notwithstanding, I have a responsibility to lend an open ear to everyone, regardless of how inexplicably challenging it is to listen to them. I can only pray to God that people can bring themselves, in time, to the point of mere intellectual competency.

And why does this frustrate me so much? Because I cannot even obtain someone’s dissenting views, as they are too preoccupied with wanting to attack me. It’s seriously like dealing with children; they don’t have the mental capacity to hold a discussion without needing to squeeze their ego and feelings into the conversation.

I want to hear a constructive, informative description of your perspective. That’s all. I am asking for you to do the one thing you love to do most: talk about yourself. But, for the love of God, don’t give in to the childish impulse of throwing insults at me that deter meaningful inquiry. I am already being generous enough by trying to obtain a point of view that disagrees with my own. I don’t have my own views supported from hearing that. Yet, I still do it, because I know that thoughtful reasoning requires more than just one dominant perspective on a subject. So please—do me the favor of not needlessly interjecting with an insult.

It disappoints me that I live among a generation of people who cannot read past one paragraph without exclaiming, “It’s too much.”

There is genuinely no experience more frustrating than being completely unable to communicate with someone because their brain just shuts off after, “guh, information overload, I’m used to using Chat GPT to summarize everything but I can’t here.”

People need to incorporate active, critical reading more frequently in their lives.

Vent over.

Yesterday's performance was amazing! I took some cool pics of the Palladium, where I performed:

Now here's a shot of my orchestra performing (from the livestream) (minor face reveal) (I am circled)

If you want to watch my orchestra, check out the following video with the timestamp 7:23:54
