Hey guys! I’m Kaleb Bravo, a 15-year-old violinist and music producer.
Here I’ll be talking about some random stuff, so if you only want to see updates on my electronic music releases, follow me at @k10398.
Some more about me:
Colorado (yessirrrrrrr)
Favorite genres of music are 2000s alt rock and electronic. I enjoy other genres, too.
Modern pop is garbage (especially the super preppy “bubblegum” pop ).
Amateur programmer- I know a good amount of JavaScript (from my AP comp sci class) but I am learning HTML, CSS, and C++.
Self-taught in stuff like graphic design, photography, violin (for the most part), music theory and composition, among others.
I’m in three musical groups at my high school: a concert orchestra, chamber orchestra, and quartet.
I plan to pursue a double-major in mechanical engineering and musical performance at CU Boulder.
Music Links:
I think I stuttered…
Introducing my logofolio of 2023, where my best brand projects are showcased.
(The link in the original post works, so click that one)
I made a cool logo portfolio- wait no, logofolio- whatever
(very long) Hot take:
I saw a handwritten poster yesterday that said: “Don’t eat anything containing palm oil. Millions of trees are cut down for a small bit of palm oil.”
I don’t disagree, however there’s one problem: The poster was written on paper which came from wood pulp (trees), and the poster was written with pencil which was made with wood (trees).
I made a cool logo portfolio- wait no, logofolio- whatever
I gave my branding an upgrade for the new year:
(sorry in advance for the high-def photos that may force you to scroll for quite some time)
Here’s a present for y’all: https://youtu.be/q4OqRM7VUu8
It’s the Winter Mix (finally)!
Got a PS5 for Christmas! I created an account, so here we go:
Friend me: k10398_real (or k10398-real, I don’t remember which one xD)
The compositor for TetraOS is going quite well: github.com/TetraOS/Compositor
I recently removed a post I posted a day ago, where I unsuccessfully ratio'd @incendiary. I apologize for any foolish behavior that came beforehand, I took a slight joke on one of @earth_dev's posts about the swat team a little too far. I admit that I probably need a rulebook on how to successfully ratio someone before I go doing it, so I apologize for that too.
Now that I've apologized, let's continue to make wasteof.money a positive environment
Check out the UI design language of the future, officially featured in the upcoming Linux distribution “TetraOS”.