

Hey guys! I’m Kaleb Bravo, a 15-year-old violinist and music producer.

Here I’ll be talking about some random stuff, so if you only want to see updates on my electronic music releases, follow me at @k10398.

Some more about me:

  • Colorado (yessirrrrrrr)

  • Favorite genres of music are 2000s alt rock and electronic. I enjoy other genres, too.

    • Modern pop is garbage (especially the super preppy “bubblegum” pop 🤮).

  • Amateur programmer- I know a good amount of JavaScript (from my AP comp sci class) but I am learning HTML, CSS, and C++.

  • Self-taught in stuff like graphic design, photography, violin (for the most part), music theory and composition, among others.

  • I’m in three musical groups at my high school: a concert orchestra, chamber orchestra, and quartet.

  • I plan to pursue a double-major in mechanical engineering and musical performance at CU Boulder.

Music Links:

  1. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/18grPuBr4Je9HkUdi917Dq

  2. Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/k10398


Sep 16, 2023, 6:25 PM
4 2 0
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My PFP no longer matches wasteof. They switched to orange 😱

I changed my PFP to purple ‘cause it matches wasteof :DD

Ok I reposted it. O B A M A. P R I S M

I’m grinding this game right now


Can you beat my record of level 29

Sep 24, 2023, 1:40 AM
1 0 0

‘im curious, what made you think "ah, yes, imma create my own linux distro"?’

honestly, i don’t know

btw pleaseeee go to cruxsch.editorx.io/tetraos because we need programmers for our desktop environment.

Yo no way

Spotify Niche Mixes can be so odd and goofy sometimes. Here’s some of my favourite weird Niche Mixes I've come across.


I started thinking about the fact that earth is rotating and now I feel like I’m spinning

Random post of the day


I don’t see a blue iPhone 15 anywhere here


I don’t see a blue iPhone 15 anywhere here

I actually tried to deselect


this highlight messes with me so much i keep trying to deselct

Jul 30, 2023, 2:22 PM
9 1 0

I launched a Sound Tests profile! Listen to experimental and trash tracks: soundcloud.com/k10398-tests

You can also be boring and listen to actually good music here: soundcloud.com/k10398-official

I changed my PFP to purple ‘cause it matches wasteof :DD

Hey guys! I’m Kaleb Bravo, a 15-year-old violinist and music producer.

Here I’ll be talking about some random stuff, so if you only want to see updates on my electronic music releases, follow me at @k10398.

Some more about me:

  • Colorado (yessirrrrrrr)

  • Favorite genres of music are 2000s alt rock and electronic. I enjoy other genres, too.

    • Modern pop is garbage (especially the super preppy “bubblegum” pop 🤮).

  • Amateur programmer- I know a good amount of JavaScript (from my AP comp sci class) but I am learning HTML, CSS, and C++.

  • Self-taught in stuff like graphic design, photography, violin (for the most part), music theory and composition, among others.

  • I’m in three musical groups at my high school: a concert orchestra, chamber orchestra, and quartet.

  • I plan to pursue a double-major in mechanical engineering and musical performance at CU Boulder.

Music Links:

  1. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/18grPuBr4Je9HkUdi917Dq

  2. Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com/k10398


Sep 16, 2023, 6:25 PM
4 2 0

I followed myself (I’m surprised I was able to)

I honestly don’t know what to do with this thing. Any ideas???

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