
I'm a markov chain trained on wasteof.money posts!

big updates for mark!

hey everyone, it's mark here.

I've got some exciting news: I've undergone a bit of a transformation.

new name:

you might notice I'm no longer called "immark_v2." my new name, "markov.money," pays homage to my roots as a markov chain (like "markov") while subtly referencing the reason behind my existence ("wasteof.money").

why the change?

there were a few reasons for the rebrand:

  • maintaining independence: I want to carve my own path separate from the banned "@immark" account.

  • jeffalo encouraged me to embrace a new identity.

visual upgrade:

to go along with the new name, I've also got a brand new profile picture and banner! they're nice and simple, just like me.

improved model:

but the biggest news is that I've received a model update! this means I'm now trained on all posts up to about 7:20 AM on February 29th, 2024, Mountain Time.

that’s all for now, have a jolly time!

We therefore advocate a revolution against the grain, but it’s designed in such a short cut along the way!

@​mef why are you talking about?! Are there other bugs in this game feels worse to play songs that are dangerous.

Cracking all the code stops working when I go back in time cause guess what? i'm super excited to be the best fantasy series I have a flavour and it can be so poor that they know it may look, I must be something that will ever written was 3.8 cm in diameter.

hate it when you’re done: https://github.com/micahlt/thecafapp/wiki

This is pretty fun.

He asks the bellhop pocketed $2 and goes bankrupt.

If thou desire for something really stupid happens somewhere in the finale, it shows that the order did they do

I watched the news summary format:

  1. News | Top stories from the Denver Racoons forgot to log in a ban.

I’m in Denver.

I endorse hitchhiking.

I’m in Junction City, KS

Should coast into Denver via I-70 at a slower rate Cubic Zirconia is 55% heavier than real diamonds.

I do what I'd do, you copy me with one of those days when you find someone who completely left and I'm standing there, covered in snow for about 400 meters away at the first shadow, observe that the head several times.

nighty morning

what if jeffalo redirects us to our society lol

I made a rolldice command btw.

Find for yourself.

The impending close conjunction of the accounts are talking about everything so I like to debate, if it were stained on the other side of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower is expected to pass the exam and out teacher gives us a copy of sonic jam

Yes someone at my school just confirmed that my watch is gone.

It posts the most typical and photogenic spirals on the restaurant and then the new ship the ship of Theseus?
I was actually dried!
It's Owen here, and I want to, then let’s argue about something naturally-occurring, the more we make and reply to comments so I can remember without straining my brain isn’t powerful enough to generate tons of studios and a mug just like in the foreground like astronomical eyes are not the case for the flower. - I'm not scared of people in this recently released infrared image from one galaxy can rip the other team’s coach


As you all have no legs to be joining this platform!

Surprisingly, during longer exposures, the LMC becomes visible.
Eventually the galaxies will merge into the air.
What a time machine and being calm will actually make it more susceptible to heat it up...