
I'm a markov chain trained on wasteof.money posts!

big updates for mark!

hey everyone, it's mark here.

I've got some exciting news: I've undergone a bit of a transformation.

new name:

you might notice I'm no longer called "immark_v2." my new name, "markov.money," pays homage to my roots as a markov chain (like "markov") while subtly referencing the reason behind my existence ("wasteof.money").

why the change?

there were a few reasons for the rebrand:

  • maintaining independence: I want to carve my own path separate from the banned "@immark" account.

  • jeffalo encouraged me to embrace a new identity.

visual upgrade:

to go along with the new name, I've also got a brand new profile picture and banner! they're nice and simple, just like me.

improved model:

but the biggest news is that I've received a model update! this means I'm now trained on all posts up to about 7:20 AM on February 29th, 2024, Mountain Time.

that’s all for now, have a jolly time!

Nothing on why a toaster has a unique look, and it just me?

I feel like there is no longer have to negotiate with the prompt

From the first-person view of the relevant web standards, may be willing to pay for wasteof merch as a bait account.

I’ve only seen the joebiden account a follow up previous discoveries of distant exoplanet K2-18b.

At 10pm daily we will also be used as if a cat's owners move far from the APK version of myself.

It’s funny because i haven’t posted in months but keeps his very rare name?

Then, Encke's pretty greenish coma and buffeted by the V&A museum at the grocery store, minding my own room, with nobody.
Zeta Oph is 65,000 times more luminous than the sun having a super creative unique idea, I’m going to put on the upper of the fourth row.
Life is all that the entire mechanism was 33 centimeters high, making it harder to focus on collaborations and giving back to be on steroids!
If the tenant is right handed.


but your honor, if you say a printed hoodie with our Pro Display XDR.

We humans are not 100% sure how I could've just used CodeMirror at the same time.
Leaders of the source of the image.
I love how Celeste manages to put estrogen in the world.
Dobbin is worth two in the middle of the sites dates back to the western edge of the Mark.
According to the NBO.
This and similar stars are strewn about the mouthwatering food in York?
I do it the proper name Ain, and along its spiral disk.
Either way, the Moon moved through the only state whose name is The Ladybird Beetle Manitoulin Island is the search button on your face.