
full-time wasteofian

wasteof is life

it would be really cool if you could pin comments on posts

[serious] feature suggestion

I just came up with an amazing feature idea which I’m going to be calling “wistof”. So what is wistof? Wistof is a byte size video platform built into the wasteof site. On wistof you are able to upload videos up to 60 seconds in length (!!!) and all of them must be vertical. Users are able to watch these videos on a new page. A video will automatically start playing and if you’re starting to get bored of the 15 second video after 7 seconds (so annoying) you can swipe down once to make a new video appear! Now you might really like this next video and to show your appreciation you can double click the video to give it a like. I think it would be best to create some kind of algorithm with the goal of keeping people on this site for as long as possible, let’s say about 2 hours a day per user. I know the people of this planet might not be ready for such a revolutionary video platform like this but I think it would at least be worth a try. I imagine this feature to eventually replace the entire education system.

concept art:

I’m secretly still in a group chat that I was supposed to leave months ago and it’s still active. I didn’t leave because I wanted to see how long it would take for someone to kick me but no one did so I’m still here being able to read all of the messages.



I just want to clarify that no personal or sensitive information is being shared and I basically can’t do anything with the the messages that are send in there. I even muted the group chat because the messages were getting annoying but I’m just curious how long it will take before someone kicks me.

Sep 6, 2022, 6:03 PM
6 0 0

I sometimes wake up thinking it’s still 2021

kinda wish I wasn’t lazy when the database got reset because having an account on the first day is much cooler than having one made a few days after

I hate it when people make polls using likes, comments, and reposts as votes because obviously more people are going to like and comment than repost

anyways do you guys think everyone should follow rens2

like - yes

comment - yes

repost - no

I just found a video I recorded of the old wasteof.money site and I wanted to share it


what happened to wasteof?

I haven’t used wasteof for almost a month and I now realize that not being on wasteof was a wasteof.time

does anyone use the profile walls?

I think they would be more useful if they weren’t hidden behind a button but were instead on the main profile page somehow. I think it could work if you put it on the right or left of beta profiles.

the people who don’t love their own posts are the embodiment of cringe


But before we continue this post. Only a small percentage of the people viewing my posts actually follow me. So if you end up enjoying this post then consider following me. It’s free and you can always change your mind. Enjoy the post!


May 16, 2022, 5:22 PM
8 0 1

is jeffalo working on a wasteof metaverse?

just wondering because facebook and microsoft are making one

also cool beta feature (I think this is how beta users are supposed to act)

edit: looks like it doesn’t work in wasteof2 :(

May 15, 2022, 9:09 AM
4 0 1

I think I’m quitting wasteof if @beemovie doesn’t get unbanned

So an update on the call from my last post:

They called me again this afternoon so I decided that I was going to call them back later today. I just called them back and I honestly have more questions than answers. I think they just had the wrong number though. They named a bunch of random events and I was answering semi-seriously wondering if it was a prank call so that was awkward. I don’t think it was meant for me but I’m still scared that I somehow messed something up.

The main reason I’m making this post is because it took me so long to work up the courage to call them back only to be disappointed by whatever this was :(