
i eat snakes (admin) (og)

literally second post this month (omg?!?)

my birthday in 6 days (12/27) so don’t forget to get me presents



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guys am i becoming active????

guys why is scolder the only person replying to my posts

what would you say if scratch rpc

thanks shock for testing

guys i remembered my password @late

oh i’m a year old

oh i almost am a year old

i remember https://dev.wasteof.money days

i dont think i have to mention this but wo.a doesn’t work on beta because i just got it like 2 days ago and i’m lazy

should i work on wo.a? (https://github.com/retronbv/WasteOfAddons) (pretty cringe)

beta is going pretty good

thank you mr jeffaloaf for beta access

edit: i didn’t have to eat him this time

Apr 27, 2022, 7:34 PM
2 0 0

guys jeffalo put (admin) in my bio!!!!


i ate jeffaloaf and he gave me verified

i eat snakes

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