
amateur web dev | [email protected]

i made a deal with my parents that if I get “exceeding expectations” (blue) in math MCAS i win $500.

i missed the blue BY ONE BLUCKING POINT BRUH

Oct 23, 2022, 12:43 PM
4 0 1

#ask-wasteof | what ringtone do you use? mine is a premade by samsung: https://www.zedge.net/ringtone/9e315760-47d0-4647-890b-c6cfb1fe14e9

tiktok = brain cancer

Okay so I have just recently learned how stupid people are (This is all TikTok related). Apparently there was a “Light yourself on fire challenge” try to guess what people did? They lit themselves on fire… with gasoline. Also there was a blackout challenge where people held their breath to blackout. Guess what? People died. They didn’t know oxygen was a necessary thing to live

Oct 20, 2022, 2:13 PM
20 10 14

you could make a wasteof desktop client just by changing the css to make it look you did stuff and packaging it with electron

i might buy myself a chromecast with google TV — which do you think is better, Google TV or NVIDIA Shield?

for those who don’t know, I lost my digital drawing pen about 1.3 weeks ago. guess where i found it, the dang sweater i stopped wearing. and I thought it fell off my desk :eyeroll:

art requests will resume as soon as I am done with the current ones :)

mr. clean still freaks me out

I was riding home from soccer practice alone on my bike in the dark just now with no headlights or anything when my awesome coach offered to give me a ride. Since I said I was good, he stopped down the road at the next intersection and gave me a glow in the dark necklace capsule thing to wear to help other drivers see me (ill add a picture). the band snapped unfortunately so I just held it to let other drivers know I was coming and use as a turn signal.

what he did was very kind and considerate and it gives me a lot more faith in humanity 😁

praise for coach!

Oct 14, 2022, 11:35 PM
6 0 3

i literally just finished the book CHOMP by Carl Hiaasen like right here. it's a good read. I think you'll like it :)

what % is your battery on?

bruh this is ridiculous I still haven’t found my drawing pen after looking for what felt like 40 minutes.

plz give me tips


my drawing pen fell off my desk earlier and I neglected it for some reason— and now i cant find it :l

im experimenting with other folks’ artwork to try and find my style. disclaimer: the art style will be NOT be consistent throughout my huge animation coming up cuz i’ve been working on it for literal months.

Oct 4, 2022, 10:10 PM
5 0 0

you’re a brain piloting a bone mech that’s using meat for armor right now.


Oct 3, 2022, 8:46 PM
5 0 0