
amateur web dev | [email protected]

Here is my discord if you don’t look at people’s bio’s: Silicone-fig#9559

if you add “?page=99999909” to the end of anybody’s profile page URL. you can make it seem as though they have never created a real post before (excluding pinned posts)

i got a dark DARK mode with a separate extension to couple with Scratch Addons’ dark mode, what’s your opinion? 

Aug 13, 2022, 5:07 PM
5 0 3

terminal montage uploaded :)

i found my anti-smudge drawing gloves today and I’m wearing them way too much, but they’re also super useful so if your thinking about getting into tablet digital drawing then pick these up too. :)

Aug 11, 2022, 5:29 PM
4 0 1

who else is super confused as to why there are so many Japanese anime animations going trending on Scratch rn.

Aug 11, 2022, 4:45 PM
5 0 2

ask me if im inactive i dare you 🔫🔪

as of Friday the sixth day of the week the twenty-second of July which was named this after Julius Caesar died. And Quintilis, his birth month, was renamed July. Quintilis meaning “fifth month” in Latin, which represents where this month originally fell in the Roman calendar. Which is now the seventh month of the year which is twelve months long, and the current year (twenty-twenty-two) which is the two-hundred-third decade of time … i am currently sitting at my desk. 😁

Jul 22, 2022, 3:56 PM
5 0 0

@micahlt gifs don't load in @wasteofmobile :(

Jul 11, 2022, 9:02 PM
5 0 0

im working on my next animation rn

but heres something bad that kinda represents that, you can stare at it for a few minutes 👁👄👁.

Jul 11, 2022, 8:33 PM
8 0 0

bruh frick Twitter, i didn’t even create any new accounts, unless they’re talking about wasteof 🤔

Jul 6, 2022, 5:19 PM
6 0 7

rip techno :(


It's done! Everyone should switch as soon as possible from the APK version of @wasteofmobile to the Google Play version as soon as possible! If you'd like to repost this to spread awareness that's cool - if not, just download it 😄


Jun 29, 2022, 12:21 PM
27 9 31

Am I dead? You tell me...