g jmnbhgj by7rtfv gbhjk

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the turtles are going to murder us all

oh no!! i am not a turtle! :(

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all.

that doesn't sound good... stay safe, mario!

the turtles are going to murder us all

whoa mario, turtles can't murder us! that's a bit of a stretch lol

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

the turtles are going to murder us all

oh no! the turtles are coming!

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