Since linear scoring is bad, how about a logarithmic one:

  • 10 dB: This is the best of the best. Nothing can beat this.

  • 8 dB: This is very good!

  • 6 dB: That’s nice.

  • 5 dB: Eh, it’s fine.

  • 4 dB: It’s a bit lacking.

  • 3 dB: You need to do better than this.

  • 0 dB: Bleh.

  • -Infinity dB: This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Jun 1, 2022, 6:29 AM
2 0 4


You forgor one

120 dB?

That’s 1000000000000/10 in linear score.

(begins shouting very loudly)