If you're one of the fifty people who use Itchy, I pushed a cool update out today. Definitely update from Google Play when you can. UI and performance improvements among a lot of other things.


Jun 16, 2022, 4:01 AM
11 2 6


Good UI however it's extremely slow and also there's a blank project (that gives a 404) on user pages that do not have a featured project.

also system dark mode should be able to force light mode

you should try cacheing the homepage

“extremely slow” it's making direct requests to Scratch servers, so for most of the app there's nothing I can do about that. “there's a blank project” - please report this on the Github repo. “system dark mode should be able to force light mode” don't know what this means. “try cacheing the homepage” network requests are already being cached.

i would install it, but i lost my phone sadly :( but it looks cool!

That's unfortunate 😭 hope you find it!