i am aware that @end changed their name to @wowow hence the edit

now, you don’t see barely any serious posts by me other than @late-news but this will be an exception

what @wowow is doing is not doing any good to the community, ratioing people? funny joke, only @ratio does that. RUINING their reputation with a repost? all you did was get your alt accounts and like the post so you can appear superior to everyone, oh by the way, you’re STILL giving the person you are trying to “ratio” is now getting some attention. I see you’re trying to get rid of the bad apples but that’s just making the situation worse, or “better” in your eyes. be more mature about it please.

tldr; @wowow is probably going to ratio me regardless of what I said

edit: they changed their name apparently

Jun 19, 2022, 6:52 PM
8 1 4


ok but didn't ask

i do not care if you “didn’t ask” the world does not revolve around you 🤓