I added new cards, but I don’t want to show them all off since I still want you guys to have at least SOME sort of surprise when you play my game yourself… that is… assuming I can get these stupid bugs fixed. Here’s another screenshot:

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When will it be realeased?

I have no idea. First, I have to fix bugs, then I have to add features, and once the gameplay is done I just need to add cards, menus, challenges, AI, cloud gameplay… There's a lot. I'll probably release some sort of gameplay demo that you can play with a friend locally, so that people don't get upset that they aren't seeing anything.

The reason I need to add Al is so that I can make some sort of single player campaign that you use to unlock cards, so that people don't just pick the best cards in online matches. I might scrap that idea though, and go for some sort of card leveling system where you can only use certain cards in certain matches.

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