i have lost about a year’s worth of work and all of the sweat, tears, and time that i’ve put into all of those pieces. ~99 gigabytes worth of it. i have also lost the really cool and heart-warming gifts from people that i’ve been saving. i would like to apologize to those individuals and that i am sorry if you wanted those to be seen again. i would also like to apologize to ally, geotale, and any other individuals that i, myself had made wonderful pieces for. i am truly sorry for anyone that i have annoyed or angered by going through the formatting process of that drive.

(p.s, if geotale ever does see this post, let her know that she is a very cool person in my life and that i am very thankful and grateful to have met this wonderful personification of joy)

i am very sad

i had to recently format my drive because somehow it got corrupted in some way

can you believe chkdsk didnt work, me neither

Sep 19, 2022, 2:39 AM
14 1 0
