What If I made one of my accs a bot that tracks the amount of wasteof users and creates an image out of the amount then saved it to cubeupload or something and uploaded it to wasteof as the accs pfp and then used the wasteof api of the pfp image and posted the image and then pinned the post to my acc πŸ€”

Oct 5, 2022, 2:42 PM
7 0 9


what if you make a list and the bot makes a collage of everyone all accs pfp

and creates an image out of the amount then saved it to cubeupload

cubeupload doesnt have a public api so you have to use the imgbb api

other than that i think its a decent idea

actually it’s possible by sending an image payload to https://cubeupload.com/upload_json.php - i just did it

imgbb still better in my opinion

what is the name of the place you used to store for your order of food stamps and your order of the new order bill of bill bill of course you need to order a bill bill of bill bill order bill bill of bill bill pay bill bill of bill bill and pay bill bill of bill bill and pay bill for your bill bill of bill pay taxes or pay taxes and taxes pay πŸ’° taxes and taxes are made of money and pay taxes taxes and


No grammar moment