this is 1496 characters long

Top 5 numbers on wasteof

I can’t reverse the count, so 1 is actually 5, 2 is actually 4, etc.

  1. 404

    This number is, of course, used on the error page when you go to a page that doesn’t exist. It’s a very useful error code, and lets you know when you’ve went to a wrong page. The reason why it’s not higher up on the list is because it’s not special on wasteof, it’s used for every site.

  2. 1500

    This number is the character limit, and it helps prevent spam, which puts it into the top 5 numbers for sure. However, it’s not very effective against repost chains, which is why it only gets into 4th place.

  3. 84375

    This number is part of @/turtle84375’s username, and is the largest number in someone’s username on wasteof I know of. If you know anyone who has a larger number in their username, please tell me, and I will update this list accordingly. I literally only found out that account existed while writing this post.

  4. 29948225774697949924471167430

    This number is the post ID of the first post on wasteof. Every post has a post ID in hexadecimal, and this is the first post’s ID converted to decimal. Why isn’t this in 1st? What can possibly exceed this? You’ll see.

  5. 4251382748613377394/60466176

    You may be wondering where this number appears on wasteof, but it’s actually not on wasteof. It is itself. “” is the base 36 representation of 4251382748613377394/60466176. What could be a better number on wasteof than wasteof itself?
