<rant comprehensible=”false”>

ok actually — can everyone who does this just shut the fuck up about “soccer” vs “football”

like, its just the stupidest fucking thing to argue about. does it matter? as long as you know what sport the other person is talking about then its fine. (ok sure, you have the confusion with american football. but that does NOT warrant all this argumentation about the nomenclature of a sport). seriously, people are associating HARD with one side or another just because… checks notes… muh country says it this way!!11!!..? its so inconsequential and honestly, it makes you look really stupid. getting tribal over such a small issue is no better than something a 60 iq caveman would do. think about what that says about you. when you pwn the other dude by showing him how the british created the term “soccer” first or how “football” makes 1000000000x more sense, what have you accomplished? just another pointless internet argument. congrats, dumbass. and besides, people are acting like it makes one or another country better, and by extension makes you better and them worse just because your country happens to say it this way or that way. Like tf?! stupid-ass shit


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ah the irony of my username ig

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