For future reference, here are the official nighty morning rules from its original source. This has not been modified in any manner other than adding the wasteof quotes.

Nighty Morning Rule Book

1. Nighty Morning starts strictly at 12am, but you can start at a minimum of 11:55 pm if needed.

2. Nighty morning shall end at 3:59 am. This is to avoid an exploit where people who wake up early at around 4:30 am can still say nighty morning

3. Nighty morning can be said in other languages, given it still means “nighty morning”.

Further additions will be implemented soon.

Rule 3 is a lot more lenient than it looks. Here are a few examples:

  • A wordle starting with “night” and “mourn”

  • Someone typo’d “nighty” as “minty”, leading to “toothpaste morning”

  • The 🌙 emoji and “cheese bananas” both also mean nighty morning


Interesting, that makes sense