So, my little legionnaires, as I’m sure you knew, I was briefly banned. I return to bring you my perfectly crafted style, but there will be changes to avoid this happening again cuz it was a dragggggggg so here are my rules-

  1. Shaft Goblin does not discriminate based on gender, ethnicity, or sexuality. Only a pussy who can’t format an insult does that. Total cop out.

  2. Shaft Goblin will be incoherent. Nothing will make sense. There will be things I say that you cannot fathom the cause of and that is on purpose.

  3. Shaft Goblin will be disagreeable. It may not seem like it, but I have put lots of work into this persona. Shaft Goblin is designed so that nobody, no matter their personal views, could ever, for any reason, agree with anything that it says. When it calls you a narcissist when you were talking about what you ate for dinner or some shit like that idk you’re MEANT to think “who would say this? Why would they say this? This doesn’t make any sense!”

  4. Shaft Goblin will tone things down. I acknowledge that I did go overboard with some of my bits and took them to a level that made people uncomfortable. Thats on me, I expected people to be comfortable with everything I am, but that was stupid of me. I will do my absolute best to not make people uncomfortable anymore

  5. Shaft Goblin will stop when asked immediately. Self explanatory. If you’re really not having fun with the account, all you need to do is tell me to quit my bullshit and I will stop.

  6. Thats all :)

Feb 27, 2023, 6:43 PM
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