I’d say the reaction to the post is worse than the post itself. Scolder out of everyone is the only one to explain to him directly (not telling him to search it up before making a post about it, and even then that’s only three people actually saying anything useful) what he needs to know.

I don’t care that the other three reposts to sivyx’s post are jokes, I need to talk about this disappointment.

while we’re here, would anyone else like to expunge some hot takes?

Edit: Now I get the idea why. Can we stop the discourse now?

I kinda don’t get why trans people exists. What’s so enticing about being able to change genders while they’re not really getting the potential benefits of actually changing them?

And while we’re at it, why are most of the trans memes I’ve been getting recently girly?

Mar 24, 2023, 8:12 AM
2 11 13
Mar 24, 2023, 4:42 PM
5 0 3

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Just rediscovered this .. Yikes

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