
Insecurity is a funny concept. Think about it, you’re scared of what others think. Okay, seems fine, but they’re all scared of what you think too. So now, everyone is scared of everyone else.

Some of the most prominent mental health disorders stem from insecurity. Narcissism is constantly misidentified as a personal self-loving, however a narcissistic personality disorder is just another manifestation of severe insecurity in which the person relies on the compliments of others and themself to keep them functional. A narcissistic person absolutely hates themselves.

Insecurity also manifests itself as over-thinking, over-reaction, and overcompensation. If you’ve ever had a friend who seems to freak out if you don’t want to do something with them, that’s a manifestation of insecurity. Anybody who lashes out when something simple happens or even at the sheer words of another- that’s insecurity. Anybody who displays personal belongings or adaptations as if they are an extension of one’s personality is also just manifesting insecurity.

People cope with insecurity in countless ways. The human mind can attach to literally anything. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder shows this rather clearly, and, in most cases, this disorder is also caused by insecurity.

Many, many behaviours that seem unexplained can be explained by insecurity. Many behaviours that people do on a daily basis are explained by insecurity. It’s a wonder so many people hate themselves.

“That’s a shame”.
