You've heard of the ship of Theseus, and the sequel to the ship of Theseus where they use the old parts to build a new ship, now get ready for the ship of THREEseus.

Let's pretend that one of the ships of Theseus got lost in the Bermuda triangle, and the remaining ship of Theseus is the new official ship of Theseus. However, they didn't want it to get lost, so they kept it in a safe place for a while.

Fast forward after everyone forgets about the ship of Theseus, and they're running out of wood. They find this ship in a random location, and they decide to use its parts for a house.

Fast forward even longer to when the house is abandoned, and they're building a new fleet and want all the wood they can get, so they use the abandoned house's wood and call the new ship "Not the ship of Theseus" as a joke about how they made it look the exact same as the ship of Theseus, but didn't use the same wood. One day, they find out about the wood's origin somehow. Is the new ship the ship of Theseus or Not the ship of Theseus? Is it both?

Bonus question: It turns out the house's parts were replaced over time, and the parts of the house were used to build an identical house, which also got turned into a ship identical to the ship of Theseus. Is either one of them the ship of Theseus, or are both of them distinct ships?
