wasteof.plus’s GitHub repository is currently having no problems whatsoever 👍


okay, so i finished restoring all of the old PRs (that were created by me). if you want to restore the viewReposts addon, here are some instructions:

On your local repository:

  • Create a new branch in your repo based on the new main branch in the imadeanaccount1/wasteof.plus repo (call it "new_main" or something)

  • then, checkout to your actual “main” branch and run: git merge new_main --allow-unrelated-histories

  • then, resolve any merge conflicts and complete the merge commit (tell me if you run into any errors!)

  • then, create a new branch based on the main branch called "new_view_reposts" (for backup purposes)

  • then, in the “"new_view_reposts" branch, run: git merge viewReposts--allow-unrelated-histories

  • resolve any merge conflicts in the new_view_reposts branch

Once these steps are complete, your main and new_view_reposts branches should be up-to-date with the most recent changes in the main repo's history. If you run into any problems, let me know and I'll try to help. If not, you can delete the new_main branch when you finish. :)

yup, nothing went wrong with it at all