I’m using Microsoft’s Edge translate feature to translate wasteof.money to German and it is very funny

Like, I knew Bing translate was bad, but it’s bad

Here are some of the translations

Post → Provide

I… can’t. → I… Not.


feed → to feed (like the verb)

Google → to Google (in the authentication settings)

wynd → wynd (clarification of the term (the thing in brackets was part of the translation. that specific string appears on https://de.wikibrief.org/, so they appear to be “using” data from the internet for their translator and failing horribly… and there is also no closing bracket)

report → story

Apr 14, 2023, 8:56 PM → 14.2023.8, 56:<>

edit → edit (but a word that is quite unknown and actually means a professional proofreader editing a professional thing, not at all suitable for a post)

Aug 1, 2023, 8:11 PM
4 0 0
