1. “У тебя нету нечово лучше делать место чем про Украину говорить, и плакат на wasteof, братан может бы тебе выйти на улицу”

    Precisely! I’m on this platform, really, to show the truth about the war. As for the “crying about being kicked on wasteof”. Was literally kicked for sending a trollface, and banned for claiming how stupid the kick was, essentially.

  2. “he server was only meant as something for friends, but it grew quite a bit. it’s not a professional server by any means and if mods don’t like your vibe/you aren’t even talking about anything wasteof related at all (which you weren’t) they have every right to kick you

    also, making this whiny post isn’t gonna help your case”

    3600 accounts dude. at this point it is a pretty big social media, he cannot kick me for hurting his feelings, or sending a GIF. “you aren’t even talking about anything wasteof related at all” but if i made a post about the thing i sent in the Discord and THEN sent it in the Discord it would be wasteof related right? its not like everything in there is about waste of, he shouldve totally banned everyone who was talking about Chris Tyson changing his name that one time because it wasnt wasteof.

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you’ve actually made 10 posts about the discord thing btw

oh lol thats a lot more than i thought huh, guess it makes sense, made like 4 leading up one per day after i was kicked, and then a couple after i got banned unjustly!

idk why you seem to be upset when i haven't said anything about this situation until now. try to calm down (lashing out/getting annoyed with people who aren’t involved and haven’t done/said anything against you isn’t fair)

im not upset at you lol

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