I don’t see what else they can do when Hamas is HIDING INSIDE THE BUILDINGS AND USING THE PEOPLE AS HUMAN SHEILDS. I understand that moving them is going to cause numerous problems, but I think it’s a good thing they didn’t just strike them instantly. It’s not like Hamas cared about civilian lives when they attacked Israel, killed over 1000 Jews and Injured 5000, then kidnapped more Jews including women children, and the elderly. Don’t forget that the Palestinians elected Hamas to govern them. Attacking Israel for moving them is not what we should be doing right now.

Nov 1, 2023, 10:47 PM
0 0 2


Okay, there are so many problems with your argument.

  1. The Hamas attack didn't happen in a vacuum. It followed years of ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians that will obviously lead any group of people in that circumstance to more extreme reactions out of desperation. Hamas isn't just a terrorist group with no goal/motivation. Israel is committing ongoing crimes that must be ended in order for any peace to occur.

  2. No solution will occur without Israel ending the status quo apartheid system where Palestinians are denied any nationality, citizenship, sovereignty, freedom of movement, etc.

  3. Do you think starving ordinary people will prevent future Hamas attacks? Killing more children as a response to an attack is completely unacceptable and any path to peace involves an agreement from Israel to stop the crimes against humanity they have been committing for decades.

  4. Israel has committed crimes far worse that those committed against Hamas, during regular acts of genocide, bombing campaigns, and a system meant to slowly poison, kill, and diminish the ability of people in Gaza to survive. Israel has proved over decades that it aims to achieve ethnic cleansing, relocation, and genocide. This attack is only being used by them to garner sympathy for a continuation of the same thing.

  5. You think Israel is only bombing Schools, Journalism offices, United Nations buildings, Hospitals, etc. because they "think Hamas is hiding in them"? That’s ridiculous claim to make.

Here's an example you might understand better: if a terrorist was living in your state/county, do you think the government should bomb your school, hospitals, journalism offices, etc. because "tHe tErroRisTs cOUld be hIdiNG iN tHeRe!!!!", do you think that's humane? There are established rules of war that establish war crimes and what isn't and is allowed in war. You can't call this conflict a war (which Israel does) and not follow international agreements/human rights laws.