So far, about 1000 counties have been claimed (out of the ~3000 in the U.S.)


it would be cool if i started FIGHTING texas and got 254 COUNTIES

You’d have to beat silly though

how many troops do they have

and would it be hard

Currently you have 4900 and they have 3000 (this includes the extra counties you’ll get today)

However, you can’t land boats on Texas because Mexico is in the way. You’d have to go through mybearworld and k10398 to get to Texas.

as I stood at the edge of the land, with the shimmering expanse of water stretching out before me in all directions, I pondered what would occur if I dared to navigate around its seemingly impenetrable barrier.

yeah so what if i go around since i’m in the middle of water

You can go underneath South America (the Panama Canal doesn’t exist in this game) or through the Arctic Ocean, but it will take a couple days to get there.

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