Apologies for the somewhat rant, by the way.

Here I go again with a related one.

“Who asked?” is also dumb, think about it:

Sure, nobody asked for the info, but by that logic, the person saying it should also shut up because they were not asked to make that deliberately clear, and the fact that if you had to be asked to say anything, humanity would be dead silent since by this logic:

No ask, no say.

This isn’t even an argument since by asking “Who asked?”, you are:

  1. Erasing your own argument, whilst you may be using it as shield (for other arguments), you are also evicerating your own credibility

  2. Literally asking

  3. Being unrelated to the topic at hand

  4. Using dumb logic, by of which everybody (including you) should shut up unless they are asked, which is clearly impossible if nobody can say anything.

I really don’t see why people even use this as an argument in general, and apologies if I appear hostile with this - But genuinely, “Who asked?” isn’t an argument either.

Just had a dumb question I cannot leave now - Why do people just go “Not reading all that” all the time?

You need to read to get a job afterall…

Jan 7, 2024, 12:30 PM
3 0 4


Now for a marginally calmer comment, pretty much all the times that “Who asked” would be at least justifiable to use (for example, irrelevant information or information that nobody needs) can be replaced with something like (if you want to be equally passive-aggressive while being slightly less annoying) “That’s nice, can we get back to talking about ____?” or “Thanks, you have made all of our lives worse by saying that. Kindly leave.“

This is true, there’s no need to go “hey fam nobody asked you or me but who the heck gives any care!” its like the same with saying “I’m not reading all that” since it’s excess, unrelated & worthless to even say.

If I wrote that I would not mind appearing hostile, probably because I would actually be hostile.

Honestly I don’t really think people saying it deserve hostility, since they probably are just trying to get attention or saying something so they don’t appear defeated - It’s a matter of overcoming their own ego in some way so I’d rather let it slide