wasteofs getting boring. can we start shitting ourselves in our math exams again

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Of all the arbitrary constraints society has bestowed upon us, none infuriate me quite as much as potty etiquette. You'll be ridiculed, humiliated if you DARE poo in the pee place. Who on earth decided such a thing? Think about it this way: it's totally acceptable to pee in a stall, right? Even though they're a turd's home? Then I ask you, coward: why is the opposite "disgusting" or "I'm calling campus security"? Really, it's the same thing. Stalls are more tailored to caca, but handle piss just fine. Likewise, urinals are more pee-oriented, but can carry a deuce or two easily! Ultimately, we as a society must decide: are urinals pee only and stalls poo only, or are we free to deficurinate as we please?

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