“The English language has 170,000 words in total. The New York Times average length of a quote was 19 to 20 words. Given this, the number of possible quotes is 170,000 to the 20th power, or a number 10,000 times bigger than a googol. Of course, most of these quotes are complete gibberish that do not follow the rules of English. There is probably no way of reasonably determining the number of intelligible quotes in english, but the number is quite a lot. Quotes can be historical, funny, or even make you see the world in a different light. Quotes from hundreds or thousands of years ago can be just as impactful as ones made yesterday. I took it upon myself to create this account to share the joy of quoting with the people of wasteof.money, and it is indeed a joy. Even in as little of 20 words, we will never run out of things to say.”


Apr 2, 2024, 5:48 AM
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“The colorless green ideas slept furiously.”

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