Hey guys!

Did you already vote for someone but then you decided that you wanted to vote for Blaze instead?

Here’s some good news for you. You can still vote for Blaze even though you’ve already voted. Here’s how.

Go to https://election.wasteof.me/vote and go to your comment (or make a new one) and say the following:

“I want to change my vote from [insert opponent here] to Blaze please.”

Your vote will be counted and changed as long as it happens before July 30th at 12 AM Central.

Now, obviously you might be thinking, “Why out of all candidates would I want to vote for Blaze?”

Good question. Blaze is committed to unity, community, prosperity, voice, and the rule of law. This is the vision that we have, because unity is strength, and YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Vote Blaze TODAY!
