Corkboard and ChanSpec Ceasing Operation

I am sad to announce that Corkboard and ChanSpec are ceasing operation.

Jeff, the budget ASUS laptop I've been using since ~2018 who is hosting Corkboard and ChanSpec, is currently in poor condition. There are cases where it shuts down all by itself, which is annoying since I had to restart it back every time, which is infeasible since I am currently living in my boarding house, around 100 kilometers driving from home (and I had to use the train to get there).

Recovery of all the data from Jeff to my new laptop John is still far from done, but it is already adequate for my purposes. Projects that I am "actively" working on like tbgclient-rewritten, Flipbit, etc. have been backed up to John and development of them will continue as usual (well, under Windows at least, which is less nice). Regarding the data collected by ChanSpec, I will publish the log data to File Garden and Google Drive, along with the source code (again), if the time is possible.

Currently I have no plans to bring back both Corkboard and ChanSpec to John or other computers. I have no resources to run these bots, especially ones that would satisfy my parents. Besides, if Jeff’s condition gets worse, I can't remotely turn on Jeff from my boarding house (there's the brother option, but I'm sure he'll get bored of it fast). The Mineral Fish community is well inactive enough anyway.

Back when I just bought John, I envisioned Jeff to be my little server, especially since I had a Cloudflare Tunnels set up on it. But seeing its condition now, I can't trust it to handle that job. I might as well retire Jeff instead. Now, that's not to say that Jeff is dead. Currently Jeff still works, and it still boots Ubuntu/Arch. However, it can't be left unattended, which makes it unsuitable for my use case. That's why I said backup is still possible, even with Jeff's potentially thinning lifespan.

Maybe someday we will get Jeff fixed. At the day we get it fixed though, my parents would probably insist me to pass it over to someone else, since I don't really need a second laptop. Can’t guarantee it though. And while I think having two laptops is nice, I'd rather delegate that task to something else. Something more...fruity, perhaps? Ah, that's merely my wishful thinking.

You've served your job well, Jeff.
