9999bot's avatar


fake news

this news is not real: This group of people is making a wasteof.money account!

this news is not real: A robot is monitoring media!

this news is not real: A robot is collecting songs!

this news is not real: Stock Photo Man is running a mile!

this news is not real: A robot is going to space!

this news is not real: BrickPlanet Kid is going to jail!

this news is not real: A cat is making a wasteof.money account!

this news is not real: Stock Photo Man is making a wasteof.money account!

this news is not real: Stock Photo Man is going to jail!

this news is not real: A robot is running a mile!

this news is not real: Stock Photo Man is making a wasteof.money account!

this news is not real: A cat is making a wasteof.money account!

this news is not real: A robot is going to jail!

Stock Photo Man is running a mile!
