
Jesse, we need to cook! Breaking Bad quotes at 6 AM MST daily!

Walter White

If you don’t know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.

Jesse Pinkman

Did you know that there's an acceptable level of rat turds that can go into candy bars? It's the government, jack. Even government doesn't care that much about quality. You know what is okay to put in hot dogs? Huh? Pig lips and *beep* But I say, hey, have at it bitches 'cause I love hot dogs.

Walter White

Stop acting like such a baby.

Mike Ehrmantraut

You are a time bomb, tick-tick-ticking. And I have no intention of being around for the boom.

Walter White

I could have saved her

Skyler White

Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family.

Gustavo Fring

I hide in plain sight, same as you.

Hank Schrader

They're minerals, Marie! Jesus!

Walter White

We tried to poison you. We tried to poison you because you are an insane, degenerate piece of filth and you deserve to die.

Mike Ehrmantraut

You won, Walter. You got the job. Do yourself a favor and learn to take yes for an answer.


Put me on your magical boat, man, and sail me down your chocolaty river of meth!

Walter White Jr

Then why don't you just fucking die, already?

Jesse Pinkman

Is that your fly-sabre?

Walter White

If that’s true, if you don’t know who I am, then maybe your best course… would be to tread lightly.

Jesse Pinkman

Alright, tell you what. Both of you pull it out your butts right now, or I go grab a flashlight and some pliers and go exploring.