byron_inc's avatar


TBG for life
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i have forgotten to rant about my exams again (why is this my only use of this site)

it has passed so uhhhhh

apparently my chinese teacher cant finish marking our papers in time so she ended up using our additional mathematics marks as a placeholder

guess who got a 96

have i ranted about my exams this time

oh apparently not

3 hours of sleep per day for the whole week let’s go

my mind is floating away from studying so quickly that i would rather open up scratch (which i haven’t in like 9 months) than to actually finish one page of studying

Mandatory visit during exam period + 1

I had so many school-wide events before this, I can’t gather my feelings to study

I swear I only remember the existence of this site when I have exams

And yeah I’m having exams in two weeks and there’s still a ton of homework

How am I supposed to study under such circumstances

to not hurt others’ feelings, i am forced to be the therapeutic friend

sit there and listen to others rant instead of studying

Here to rant about my exams again

So my school somehow decided that it is a good idea to host four exams in one year

But this one is standardised throughout the entire country

But it is worth nothing

And I hadn’t even started studying

It literally starts tomorrow

yes tomorrow’s a saturday

In a situation where WASD and arrow keys cannot be used as directions, what keybinds would you use to replace arrow keys?

Compiling the amount of homework I have to finish before studying for exams:

  1. 5 chapters of moral education notes

  2. 37 pages (7 chapters) of moral education workbook

  3. 21 pages of English workbook

  4. 2 chapters of Geography notes

  5. 2 chapters of Geography workbook

  6. A few pages of History workbook

  7. 8 pages of Malay workbook

  8. Math mock exam

  9. Design Technology sketch

how am i supposed to study for my exams

Nov 26, 2022, 2:08 PM
0 0 0

i might have accidentally created a bunch of accounts while trying to log onto this one from a new device

i shall rant more about exams

finals would be early december

everyone is complaining about not being able to finish studying on time

and i’ve not started studying

I come here irregularly and rant about exams

I shall rant about exams more

is this site dead not as active as before

Mar 28, 2022, 4:14 PM
1 0 2

A few months later… 888 messages

I have achieved the devil messages

And no I would not be reading them as they are collected over the courses of months of dedication (of not checking the messages)

Jan 22, 2022, 3:30 AM
0 0 1

I have achieved the devil messages

And no I would not be reading them as they are collected over the courses of months of dedication (of not checking the messages)

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