Natan is half of my followers on both Darflen and here :/

That's not a very legitimate count, I should start subtracting the count so I don't get to 100 illegitimately

I actually read a book by Randall Munroe before finding xkcd

Why does it have to be me

Every time

Why did I have to be stuck behind the one baby yelling all the time (including about sk***** toilet?

(Titled “Within earshot”)

Greetings Countbinistas!

It’s been another massive week on little planet Earth. 

In the United States, Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt with damage sustained merely to his ear, which is without question the organ he uses least. I am pleased to see that the rest of Mr Trump emerged unscathed, and I wish him good health for the rest of his days. Ideally those days will be served in jail, but that’s up to the American justice system so let’s not hold our breath on that one.

My asylum is full of traps

yo, dont tell anyone I told you this. But 44444444 is s4il. I know because I asked someone

When he said '“da” it basically confirmed it was him

Averaging 2 likes per post lol I fell off

I have a discord server now too

75 followers… wait, that’s half more than when I got to 50… better update my pinned post

(00:00 13th of August, cool.)

Am I the only one who sticks short English words, especially “in”, when unnecessary? Like I say “incase” not “in case”… I probably do that for coherence (e.g. “inside” is like that).

No that's not the correct “in"

To do list:

  1. Decipher the text radi8 sent me (mission impossible)

  2. Fix up & complete my Darflen DM technique

  3. Start writing that email from 3 months ago you lazy moron >:(

  4. Start writing that email from 1 year ago you even lazier moron >:(

#2 almost done

I should honestly turn my wall into one of those notebook studios on Scratch

You know, like the one Za-Chary has?

Got my iPad back, yay

Just swam an entire morning, including at least 100m by myself without anyone to help in case I suddenly drown


I probably won't ever follow everyone on here but I can get quite close

4k is what I want

Being beta tester is cool

I wish I was beta tester

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