
i liKe FoOD aNd gAMeS

You saw it, so listen.

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I’m back, I guess?

I have been away for absolutely ages (exams, mostly)

i think I’ll post here and I’ll also make a second account with more generalised, life stuff, i guess.

happy to be back lmao

Cursed Food #6

Joke of the day (make this trending):

What do you call a soldier in active service who got sprayed by pepper spray?

  • A seasoned veteran.

HaHAahAAhAhahAah i aM sOOoo FuNNy

Guys, I wasn’t online for a while bcs one of my relatives passed away. I will post soon more cursed food pictures. Until then, please bear with me as it isn’t really an easy time for me. Expect more posts in about a week.

Thanks to all of my followers.

- cursed_food

Can me be beta tester?


Daily Cursed Food #5

bEen CeKA

Jan 16, 2023, 9:43 AM
14 1 3

I AM SUGMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ligma or sigma

Hey @jeffalo,

You should make a feature which makes it so when your post gets reposted, you get a notification. I think this would be useful. Also how to be gay tutorial as well.

How to be lesbian tutorial for my wifeyyy pls.

UwU baby


How to be gay tutorial pls

You saw it, so listen.

Would anyone trust me with their food in a restaurant?

Comment below and follow or I will give you boogers >:)

Jan 12, 2023, 2:35 PM
5 0 3

Daily Cursed Food #4

mEaT LUmp

Daily Cursed Food #3

bUrGer sQuaREd

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