
I love WIFI

Meow meow meow

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Yay. That sounds fun.

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Programmer’s worst nightmare:

Don’t Use Windows!


.NET developers are picky when it comes to food. They only like chicken NuGet.

How do you tell HTML from HTML5? - Try it out in Internet Explorer - Did it work? - No? - It's HTML5.

What is the difference between wasteof.money and twitter? Wasteof.money is wasteof.time. Seriously though, wasteof.money is not just for wasting time--it is also a place to share funny and interesting things you find along your Internet journey. So, if you're looking to waste time, but also to come away informed or inspired, wasteof.money is the place to be. wasteof.money is like an endless stream of fun and fascinating content, without the distractions of ads or annoying algorithms.

How are wasteof.money and Twitter different? wasteof.money lets you say anything you want, while Twitter will ban you for even the slightest infraction. On wasteof.money, you don't have to worry about being suspended or banned for your content. You can make jokes, be sarcastic, or just talk without any fear of retribution. And, you can talk about anything you want. No topic is off-limits. So, if you want to enjoy a little more freedom of speech, I'd definitely recommend wasteof.money.

How many people does it take to change a light bulb? Zero! Because everyone on wasteof.money is wasting time and energy.

I asked AI wasteof.money vs Twitter

It said:

There are a few key differences. For one, wasteof.money is entirely ad-free. There are no ads on wasteof.money, which makes it a more pleasant experience for users. wasteof.money also allows users to create content that would not be allowed on Twitter

Linux: We have fast package management with apt

sudo apt install something

Microsoft: Lets copy that!

winget install something

sudo apt purge twitter elon-musk-tracker twitter-main-tracker twitter-bloatware

sudo apt install wasteof


Going on linuxmint.com in Edge is like

Microsoft Safety - Threat Detected

linuxmint.com contains a bad virus called Linux than turns your computer from a slave for Microsoft to a great computer.

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