
I'm lurking and I'm stalking when you least expect it

we must spread communism in defecation

kakav420 has uploaded his final episode of roasting uwucutesingle, and it has the best plot and characters since endgame.🧊

opera gx has a feature that you can enable that if you don’t use the browser for 14 full days it will say that you are dead and will clear all your search history and replace it with fake things that you have never searched up. 🤣 truly an a mazing browser.

I have natural oil in my basement

guys we need to legalize nuclear bombs

Aug 7, 2023, 4:15 AM
0 0 0

I have 300% cuphead this is a good day also i just beat the king’s gantlet :)

i am at my limit

alcoholics don’t run in my family they drive -funne_skeleton

I (might) be moving house soon it’s a nice place near where I currently living but it has a nice view and I will not be inhaling toxic spores 😊


SODA -joe biden 46th president of the usa

give me a follow and i will tell you the location of someone being mean to you :0

‘if you’re ever bored punch an orphan what are they going to do tell there parents?’ -ai sonic

I have complete the pacifist challenge in cuphead is fell happy also (how do i message people?)